Friday, November 1, 2013

A Theoretical Conversation

Imagine this theoretical conversation between me and another person before I mailed that brief of mine:

-I am mailing my papers to the court of appeals and I am afraid some game will be played and they won't receive it?

-Why would they not receive it?

-I don't know the hedge fund guy play some kind of a game to prevent my mail from reaching its target.

- Are you using private shippers like UPS or FedEx?

-No just the regular mail.

-So in your paranoid mind you think that someone will be able to conspire with the federal mail system that on which courts and every one had depended for over two hundreds years just against your mail to that court? And how would your delusion make you think that would happen? Losing your package? Delivering it very late? Who knows? Maybe the mail office there will even give your package the special treatment of working late very far from their normal hours in order to take your package late in the night to the court after it is closed so it miss receiving it, LOL.

And that was exactly what happened.

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