Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The petition for Writ of Certriorari I filed

After printing thousands of pages and all the effort I did not want to take further risk within the two hours remaining of the due date so I stopped every thing and only sent couple of copies with only the three documents I referred to the most despite including a table of content that includes a much bigger appendix. Having stayed awake for over 33 hours, literally, I was so exhausted that I even sent the fee in separate package and continued the day falling asleep even while I am  eating or in the rest room. All that because of the number of copies required that all should have that same appendix. The required size of the filing, unless early arranged for, can be so exhausting that it may require a warning like those of "hot surface" put on some objects to prevent harm. If there were a commercial showing some one filing to the Supreme Court copying and arranging documents fast, it should include a warning like that showing maneuvers in car commercials and in this case stating "professional filer, do not attempt". All that in a time where you can hold one device, as small or big as you choose, that can provide access or itself store and make readily available materials that are millions or billions of the size of this appendix and choose to print your selection if you like. So why are we not living in our time and require all this wasting of resources and damaging to the environment? I don't know. Anyway, here is the main content of my petition 


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