Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Continuing from the preceding post:
In addition to that, he also couldn't have missed how much my search about going after how judges act with bias and overstep their authority had turned unfavorable results. I couldn't find one case to support my complaining against judges. In fact, to this day I still do not know whether a legal right in that regard was also seen or that the judges of the final court were troubled merely because they did not like accepting such behaviour in their court system. 
So what better condition countering positive expectations he kept waiting for here if he alleges that being his problem ?
Actually, without any of the above. Seeing the level to which he has been trying things having no realistic chance of leading the way he wants them to lead, one wonders, why couldn't he care anywhere close to this about bigger chances back then? He surrendered to the possibility of me being affected by counting on something I heard one of the judges of the court says absent further effort that easily? Such behaviour then seems to occupy the opposing side of that we saw afterwords.  

Monday, December 19, 2016


How this guy reacted, in the earlier story of Viking Systems Stock in 2009-2010, to the jump of the price as if he was squeezed and really in trouble combined with the stock being a penny stock (literally Cents not the market definition of a penny stock) made me like being isolated by a concrete shield or dragging a very anchoring weight toward recognizing otherwise about this guy and signs pointing out the contrary, to a very late point. That was even reflected in speaking about this guy in comparison with Goldman Sachs and saying things like if this guy can do this to the system imagine what the like of that company can do. 
If he, as I spoke HERE, appears that convincingly to make people think as if he really needs their help for a situation he is toying with, imagine the effect of any input from him with the support I mentioned above. Adds to the latter how it was preceded with my initial recognition to the work of this guy in a stock trading in the range of dollars (Symbol: BITS) which sounded to fit the whole picture of degraded financial capability and being squeezed. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016


When I was making my latest brief I thought I would concentrate the same way here to say what I want to say then feel free to do what I want to do after that but I still cannot control myself not to steal time here. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


continuing from the preceding post
One could easily think the purpose of case title is to provide easier path to remembering and referring to the case and for that it needs to be short not full caption. Otherwise the case number on the same cover uniquely identifies the case. It is not like when you first file to the supreme court and you got no number for your case until after filing your petition.
On the other hand, the motion form I received asks me about "Opposing counsel's position on motion". This can be easily understood that motion filer should file his motion with his opponent before the court. That was supposed to carry local rule 27.1 requirement on the filer about the position of his opponent on the "relief" sought.    

Friday, October 28, 2016


My brief to the Second Court of Appeals in New York had reached the court since Monday. Couple of hours ago I thought it might be time to check on my filing and found THIS for why my filing was defective.
So the question is: Are you kidding me? Even assuming it was wrong to include "et al." in the title, is that really a reason to consider that a defect in need for correction? I don't think that is worthy of being held against an attorney let alone a pro se filer.

But who said that was wrong to begin with. The applicable part of the rule she mentioned is FRAP 32 (a)(2)(C) which states that the cover of a brief should include "the title of the case". How does she understand the "title" to contain the names of all defendants? In addition the rule followed that by "(see Rule 12(a))". If we go to FRAP 12(a) we find it saying that "the circuit clerk must docket the appeal under the title of the district-court action". Also, as an additional support for how a case title may not contain the names of all defendants in the case, the rule added that the appellate court "must identify the appellant, adding the appellant's name if necessary". The defendant names are part of the litigant names on the case and if all litigant names should be included in the title of the case the name of the appellant would always be included in the title and therefore there would be no reason for the part mentioned above about adding the appellant's name . 
The district court had the title "Kammona v. Midsummer Investment Ltd. et al". I only added my first name and wrote all names with capital letters.   

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Even beyond what I mentioned in post +75, I cant emphasize enough that I am not posting here to affect when the case will be resolved. I am posting not to let this guy play his deception freely on the world for how the case could be resolved. I want his work not to escape passing through the picture I want to show. Also my intention is to affect things by the content of my writings not the intensity and frequency of my posting. If I were feeling it is wise enough to leave the picture at this level of clarity, With the other side being someone like this guy, I wouldn't take myself away from the other things I feel much stronger about spending my time doing them. Although, my time for doing either will be reduced until I file my brief due on 10/19/2016 (The good guys there stole 4 days from me for no reason. It is as if courts here like to tax my time).       


Continuing from the preceding post
Also if I am going to declare that it would be on the board "the supreme.." in addition to here.
They say that the final court takes about 70 cases out of 7000 filed each year. Even if that number does not include the cases they send back to be corrected, it still can hardly make the person feel easy about those left out petitions and the question of need for justice not being answered. So I try to at least reduce the level of attention here for there.
Remember that filing to this court is a very exhausting task that itself make a test if you really need justice.  

Saturday, September 10, 2016


In case it is thought otherwise, I want to emphasis that I am not writing here to send complaining signals about the court's role in the passing of time. I cannot put things further away from such thought than saying that for my right here, time does not start counting on the court until I say it is. If I want the zero period to end I would not be shy to declare my intention clearly and I wouldn't be substituting that with indirect signals. 
But notice that I still can talk about the role of the corruption guy himself for the passing of time.

Friday, September 9, 2016


If I were to spread the same degrading thing as this guy did, on another person I would worry about a significant lowering of myself because of my choice to deal with things at such level. But it does not seem this guy suffered anything of that. This reminds me of another thing I spent my life with and the enormous loss of not dealing with this kind of behaviour appropriately. Be very careful before giving anyone a free pass on what he does if it in itself seems significant. By not giving a free pass, I mean that the behaviour should be really counted in. If you feel like ignoring the bad thing because it does not look like the person doing it really needs it or self involved in doing it then you could be facing one of those whom I call deceptive psychotics and their super power of character deception.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


It took me less than three months to accept and deal with a reality that forced itself on me out of the blue. On the other hand, since then, it has been over a year and still going on him for choices he made with every thing clear in front of him.   


Unlike my situation where he wanted to test and hold me responsible for my choices behind my back, it was explained to him very clearly how his choice will be counted.


It is interesting how his phone calls never sounded to me like real effort and how it turned out he was using them to build a case.


Just like he was calling even though he did not expect me to respond, he could have sent me an offer even if he expect me to refuse it or ignore it. 
He was willing to force anything on me except seeing an offer from him. 


continuing from the preceding post
Did he just realize his power over the media only afterwords? 
Back then it was much easier to inflict suspicion on me than now. But he did not leave trying that as much as he did later because he thought he cannot make me doubt what is going to happen. No, he did not care to play these kind of games because of how much he knew my resolution to see the path to the end was not dependent on expecting the result and that is why he jumped to the most certain thing he could have, denying the petition.
The point is if he really believed what I heard from one of the judges of the court was causing his problem, then it was not hard to counter that sufficiently. So if he did that, then he got no reason to complain about that thing. If he did not, then the analysis above applies.       

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


I may have already conveyed this but I still want to do it in this form. How is it that if I were affected to believe more in one side of what the court intends to do based on probability about what is going to happen that couldn't be countered by also another probability about what is going to happen, let alone the certainty of a real action in the case with the finality of denying a petition?Where was all this creativity and readiness in playing and repeating deceptive games one saw later until it reached the top of his head? For example where were all the games insinuating grouping and bias inside the court he has been playing afterwords? Also, if any of the judges there want to help him in balancing that, was it really a hard thing to say something that could counter the call about coming to the court I heard? But not seeking to work at the probability shows his knowing that I was not depending on probability to see the thing through to the end.


Speaking about the degrading things he was spreading, notice the similarity with taking the court to deal with me externally in how through being embarrassed to discuss the issue in order to respond to him your input is also circumvented. Both emphasize the going behind and avoiding a fair face to face of a deceptive behaviour. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


The behaviour to which it was referred in the previous post was especially conflicting with his alleged negotiation effort because of how much it is an unnecessary direct insult requiring action to the contrary in accepting the alleged negotiation effort. But in general his alleged negotiation effort, which imply starting from equal ground, was already offset by his continued behavior in positioning himself above and everything like a toy to him. His effort was far from showing sincerity from a neutral ground, let alone being that much in the minus at the same time.     


In addition to all what I mentioned about his alleged negotiation effort itself, how is it that the guy goes and extends the case to his allegation that I refuse to negotiate with him and it stops there and does not extend to his affecting behaviour? Take first how claiming that he wanted to bring his adversary to the negotiation table while at the same time spreading those degrading things can hardly be seen as not mocking the person to whom you are complaining let alone making a strong case for your allegation (Not to mention the insult of how those degrading allegations may look like being intended to cause a judge to ignore a person). Like the alleged effort itself his sincerity in its surrounding behaviour did not show itself.


Monday, September 5, 2016


It is not just the repetition but also the kind of that repetition to reality here. In case he thinks it goes without being noticed, I tell this guy that it did not escape me how taking a risk in the scene of taking a chance dependent on another person's behaviour, is not something, like lifting weight if you do it once you can do it again, available for repetition except to undo reality. 


And given all the training he made sure I go through in the market playing his long term games on my stocks, this corruption guy must really had me as his target for any time taking game he could be playing, right? LOL.  

Sunday, September 4, 2016


This situation of not knowing what will happen, if it will happen and when it will happen, is not far from the way I make my living investing and holding in stocks. 

Saturday, September 3, 2016


I don't know who told this corruption guy that he showed morality anywhere close to suggesting that he would on his own try to settle the case after it gets denied. However, like I said elsewhere, initially I thought it could be a consolatory compensation being done for the judges of the court. So, imagine, I had something as clear and directed specifically at me as this and still did not take it for myself as most probably would have done. How many then castles in the air I could have built from one time hearing a general call on people to come to this court? And that after all the outrageousness I saw from the lower courts which was all the experience I had with courts here (except once in a traffic court). 
In any case, with or without any encouragement, stopping before completing the path was not something even in a galaxy adjacent to where I am.      

Friday, September 2, 2016


Actually, the situation in the market and my recognition for his games was also based on his exaggeration but he still chose to play it again here on the same target. With the option I mentioned in the preceding post he could have suggested to me that anything I heard from the judges of the court and supposedly made me feel strongly that they would be on my side meant nothing more than resolving and dealing with the original merits of the case fairly. If he really thought that my faith in the outcome was built that much high based on things I heard from the judges of the court then that needed to be fitted with something not contradicted. Instead, his behaviour was more like he wanted to take away whatever was left than that of facing a strong thing.    

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Reflecting on what I wrote in post Post +55 I thought about how much things would have been more confusing to me if instead of denying my petition, it was announced that the case was returned back to the lower court for the judgment to be corrected on the original merits of the case. Not only that in itself would have been much more reasonably fit for the situation by the showing of much less outrageousness, but there also his phone calls could have been seen as attempts to negotiate the case for the ruling of the lower court after the return of the case to it. If this was not an option to him, rescheduling the case could have opened the door for such thoughts. As much as he supposedly expected me to have faith that the court will be on my side how does that fit facing it with how much it is less probable for the court to carelessly deny my petition like that? Although even if we suppose he really expected that, it is not clear how much him being such a fool to showing his power and would like to come to me like God not under the power of anything, would have let him to act reasonably on it.         


While I was counting on my capability to refer back to my history here, it seems that the published date is not an external authentication for when the content of the post was created and there is no proof readily available, if at all, showing that a poster did not change his post after posting. 

Sunday, August 28, 2016


By the way, if I had that level of guaranteeing the result of going to this court how does that fit with THIS or THIS or THIS and the worrying they suggest that my petition could be denied? Or was that too early? Then how about all the effort I put in expressing what I faced and arguing for my case to be taken in my  PETITION ? Still not recent enough? Then how about the worrying about my petition suggested by the wish to "improve on the content of the petition" in THIS post? 


Not only with neutral behaviour, but all the judges of the final court could have done what significantly suggest that they would be biased toward this guy, and I still wouldn't have even thought about stopping before reaching it. My earlier behaviour clearly support this much more than any thought to the contrary and I even declared my intention HERE. Actually my shock from the behaviour of the lower courts was already affecting me to the level that I kept listening to the oral arguments of this court trying to support my faith that courts can reason normally. Giving up on a judicial process before completing the path to the final court is something that is hard for me to imagine justifiable even when I see it in a movie.     

Saturday, August 27, 2016


Rescheduling the petition probably would have been more than sufficient to balance any thought I supposedly had about the court being very exited to act on my case and that could be followed by another rescheduling or denial if needed. But choosing a path where it gets denied with the rest of denied petitions that may not have reached the judges (although that still does not take away the moral responsibility) shows how much his problem was really any recognition to the existence of my issue I may perceive.   

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Here is an additional thing  that is more specifically about what he probably alleged in that I insisted on my position because of assurance resulted from hearing Justice Scalia's call on people to come to the court. Look at that immediate knockout action in denying my petition. Does that look to you like the action one would push for if he just wanted to balance that alleged certainty in the outcome that I supposedly had or does it look more like the action somebody would push for if his problem was any hope his adversary have in the outcome and he want that to crumble?      


one would expect that somebody showing this willingness to resolve the matter with the level of phone calling efforts this guy pretended wouldn't mind, if he was really trying to settle the matter, diverting some of that effort to show how much his adversary is insisting on refusing to settle, with a sears of offerings not just one. He did not make any.


And it is not like he communicated an offer earlier and the action of the court was to push me to accept it. No, he did not communicate any offer because he was afraid he may not be able to offer something that I refuse but still fits with how much he was pretending with the other side.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Assuming the guy had made a case for seeking the interference of the judges of the court, one would still wonder how he was able to be convincing that I should be treated externally from the start instead of having my input or response taken just like his first. 

Even when there is no worthy gain expected from such behaviour, the minute one sees such an attempt to isolate things into separate worlds he may need to think that he could be dealing with a deceptive psychotic person his real aim is denial.   

Friday, August 19, 2016


Aside from everything else, playing those corruption games is like re-choosing the earlier ones but with the addition of having experienced the consequences of them. And when that happens in the context of being held responsible for those earlier ones it is also like the ultimate form of ridiculing what is going on. 

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Aside from the difference in how much he had a say and a choice (actually a better word here could be "creation"), in his degrading to the rest of the system do not forget to compare the value of what he is doing that for to him to the value of what he is taking from any group or entity to it, let alone the combined value of what he is taking from everybody. For example, think about how much my offer is a fraction to the ownership he holds or represents and compare that to how much not to lie is the main thing to news media and the press. What value could be left in a news media that intentionally lie especially when it is not even about some details but fabricating whole stories from scratch like that? And it did not even looks like he cared more than for a game playing far from being really expected to have the desired effect on its target.  


Continuing from post 46
Like I mentioned in another blog of mine, degrading the rest of the system like that could add to the reason for reacting to his earlier actions with the courts instead of making them look normal.


Nothing changed in what I said and the passing of time is still as it is not counted to me. I just keep catching myself and bringing it back here because there are still things I think leaving them not communicated may not be wise enough. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


In what was supposed to be an attempt at resolving what he had done, he repeated the same trampling the system uncaring about the consequences actions, this time extending his target to include from the executive branch and others in the government to even the media and free and honest press. How much of even just that shows you the behaviour of somebody even counting in his actions let alone trying to correct them? Moreover, most of that happened not just after what he did but after seeing the kind of things he could be faced with for doing what he did earlier. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


continuing from the preceding post
Is there a valid reason for that or is it that this guy continues to pull these things like nothing happened while we are still in this? Did he even expect that to really affect me or was it to him, as usual, like playing something with no value?
That brings to mind how the behaviour of this guy could involve lying through actions instead of words. Much of what he tries to play on me could suggest to an external observer things about me that are exactly contrary to what this guy himself knows but acts otherwise. For example, even from just the considerable amount of time I have been with him in the market, he knows how much I am not the type who is likely to just jump ship with any turbulence. He knows how much even with the relatively lower level of moral issue involved,  I stick to my position there. Yet he play games here as if he has the exact opposite experience about me.
He could be simply counting on time to change positions of others and have to pretend that there is a sufficient probability of success for his efforts to have a valid excuse for taking as much time as he can. Like I said before one should never count on what a guy like this pretends to be his target. Although, I still would be surprised to know seeking that aim is not itself empowered by the reality fighting of a psychotic denial underneath.

Monday, August 15, 2016


Correcting the preceding post, if we count in the triggering days then I should have added 14 to 11 not 12. However, my selected date is still within the allowed range. Actually, I can be wrong in a day or two in that calculation and it still would not matter because October 22 and 23 are weekend days and that generally pushes the date to the next working day. So how could it be after all that my calculation is supposedly wrong enough to take me back to October 19?


The appeal court in New York gives appellants the choice for selecting their own filing date within a range of 91 days according to the rules shown in THIS FORM ("(2) when no transcript is ordered.." applies to me as indicated HERE). This District Court Docket Sheet (entry #16) shows that my notice of appeal was filed on July 12 and form D-P is due within 14 days. Even if we count including the day of the triggering events, which I don't think is the usual practice, we have this:
12+ 14=26
That leaves 6 days of July's 31 days. Add to that 31 and 30 days of August and September respectively and you get 67. Now subtract that from 91 and you get 24 days of October. This makes my selected date of October 23 with in the valid range. If so then why did I find THIS ORDER setting the date at October 19 because the date I selected "exceeds the time allowed by the rule"? It is not a big difference, but why? The corruption guy playing his games again?     

Monday, August 8, 2016


I mentioned before that six years ago I talked about how this guy seems to me as one of those whom I described as deceptive psychotics and the power of their convincing through character assumption, in other words the way they present themselves. Several days ago, it occurred to me how unusual and far from being normal the position this guy probably tried to take here which suggests dependence on such power.
Think about it. Even without morality, if you were in his place would you try to take the position that the other guy's refusal to take your phone calls being the insult impeding solving the issue, without making any offer? The way situations like this normally go is for somebody in my position to claim an insult based on the behaviour of the other guy in trying to reach a solution. The guy in his position on the other hand cannot claim an insult before making an offer because until then he is isolated by the capability to make the offer from feeling insulted. Even in fiction, a guy who had suffered a wrong from a rich guy could react telling the other guy that he cannot just correct anything with his money. But how many times have you seen in a movie or read in a novel things go the other way around? In other words, how many times have you seen the rich guy, where his only concern is to resolve the situation, feel insulted by the other guy refusal to communicate with him without sending an offer first? But apparently this corruption guy thought he can take both positions. He may have thought that his power of assuming the insulted character here would eclipse such an unusual situation. He even had to take it higher than this, making use of refusal of only the form of communication on which he insisted as the insult.            

Monday, July 25, 2016


He was far from needing to do what he did with the first court to begin with. As I said previously, it is not like we were contesting the ownership of Microsoft or even anywhere close to the same galaxy where such thing exists. The court could have given me the whole company I was suing about diluting my ownership in it  and it would still have been far from causing a serious financial damage to him. And before or after that he could have easily offered what could be easily seen as more than the equivalent to the whole value of it based on its assets and potential. Even assuming the situation was worse than that to him, is it still worthy of pulling the things he made the courts do from the start? Why cover a bad thing with a worse one? But it was all showing off and enjoyment of power to him. He wanted to show that he can take the court system and be in control inside there like he is in control with the SEC and others outside.

Saturday, July 23, 2016


If all what he really needed from the final court was to open a door for negotiation why not ask the court first to mediate ? That is especially true if he really thought that what was holding me from negotiating with him was my faith in how much the court was on my side. Because in that case what would he lose in showing me that my case had some consideration inside the court? But instead of this gradual approach he preferred having the effect on me of showing me a sudden total refusal to my case and how he can take this one like the preceding courts. 
By the way, given all the unnecessary showing of power he did with those courts, his interest in showing the same thing with the final one is probably far away from being mistakenly overestimated.    


He insisted on his communication medium trying to make of the difference on that technical issue something that ultimately disperses the main issue while he manipulates all sides at the same time. He apparently wanted to keep me trapped in that situation. I think that probably what made him underestimates how that could be reversed back onto him was how much he counted on losing power and control to be taken as losing dignity.
There is not a single email or letter he sent me about negotiating the matter throughout the years it remained. Talk about being happy to find an impediment. But now, after reflecting his actions back onto him, that reversed to a good potential because his choices against me were turned to choices for me and empowering me. Although, to be fair, based on the voice mails I checked from his phone calls he might not have left a real message talking about serious negotiation for the lawsuit either. He might have treated these mediums differently only on the surface. Also, and I mentioned this last year, there are times where I think he comes back to delete his voice mails before I got to them (I don't know if he does that directly to my mail box or if the phone company does it to my mail box for him).

Friday, July 22, 2016


Regarding his insistence on his choices, notice how even after I started complaining about how he insisted on his communication medium, explaining things after the denial of my petition, he could have, for once, sent me, for example an email about the same thing he pretended he was calling for. He could have said: This guy thinks I am trying to force my communication way? I am going to send an email to him in order not to let such a thing stands in the way of resolving the matter. But he never did that.    


continuing from post +34
From the beginning of the mater in the market to here, he drove things step by step to this point. 
Moreover one can hardly imagine somebody sitting in a position displayed in front of it more information about the internal thoughts of his adversary. Although having no privacy or boundary against him online could be a big help in that, I am referring here mainly to how after the denial of my petition I wrote, in addition to my arguments, my understanding to what happened and what I am doing about it also publicly.         

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Still the appeal notice has not been entered.  At least with the court in Florida I did not have to suffer with every filing I send to have it entered and there were no pro se unit there. I don't remember any filing there entered later than the day after receiving it. But here they made a pro se unit they have been using it to impede things and as a device to do bad things while isolating the clerk from direct responsibility. Other than that, it has done nothing of benefit to me. They even couldn't photocopy the complaint correctly, assuming that was not intended, because I signed more than one copy and despite how long it stayed with them. Filing the appeal notice in time was the main reason I kept checking the docket sheet of the court of thugs.       

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


My notice of appeal was delivered yesterday before 1 pm to the thugs operated court in New York  and up to this time it has not been entered.

Sunday, July 10, 2016


Although even then it is generally not justifiable, you would think that such a desire to do-over reality would more probably come from someone complaining of a coincidental bad luck, not from someone who insisted on his choices one after the other. Actually, throughout the whole path he was himself the main creator of the games and options to begin with.


Aside from how I left the time issue to the judges of the court, the guy should not delude himself that I am waiting for him and he is in control. Instead, I am simply enjoying watching him following his own choices, again, to make a joke of himself even though he may pretend otherwise.  

Saturday, July 9, 2016


And remember that there is a big difference in taking a risk on the judges by themselves from when they are accessible to this guy and whatever allegations and theories he formulates about me. He can see whatever I write about him but I cant see what he communicates about me there. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


All this joke allegation game from this guy about the death of Justice Scalia as if without something he said my behaviour would have changed to a mentionable amount, let alone to a level that would make me give a pass to the behaviour of this guy, is simply just refusal by the guy to accept that somebody really took a risk or bet against him and succeeded. He just did not like it so that it should be repeated again and again until the result changes to a one he likes.
By the way, despite that what he is doing is like child play in its effect on me and that I don't feel even a little bit of difficulty about my continued being under the possibility of receiving different result here, a person shouldn't need to keep taking a risk in order to prove that he took it once. One doesn't need to sleep in the lion's cage to prove that he once jumped there.


Like I said earlier, any sense of urgency my concentration of writings here may reflect is a sense of urgency from my desire to say what I want to say and not from any desire to make the judges of the court hasten resolving the matter.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


I mistakenly wrote in post +25 that I checked all the messages from all the phone calls he made. I meant all the voice mails he left after the denial of my petition. The fact is that I checked all voice mails on my land line number, which is the only phone number included in my court filings any way, but, for my cell phone I checked all the way back to when I changed my number about two weeks after denying my petition. 


On June 27 my case in New York was dismissed. I have got the remaining of the thirty days to file and make the court of thugs acknowledge receiving the notice of appeal. Of course my complaint was entered only after I started complaining publicly and about two weeks late from filing. The same thing with my motion which was finally entered (as a letter) on the sixth after being filed on the first of October 2014. But this one was filed and entered the same day. What is more interesting is that since this guy continuously watch what I do over the internet, he was capable to time the order to be just after I checked the docket on June 27 between 2 and 3 pm. I check on docket sheets periodically or every now and then and this is not the first time this corruption guy does what shows him timing court orders to leave me as little time as possible. I think I may have posted about this including with the timing of the ruling of the Eleventh Court of Appeals.      

Monday, July 4, 2016


Even after declaring publicly the change of plan I described in POST 241 OF "The Supreme.." BLOG he still did not take the initiative to make an offer. If you think there are no points on him for that because he had made a commitment inside then he should have been very careful about what was going to follow and especially given how my referring in the same post to the similarity with the VKNG stock story where he made himself ready to take market price shows what suggests that I have a theory about him doing a similar thing here.
Anyway, he also did not seriously leave any message for talk about the issue. The only one he left was of the kind I described in POST 244 OF "The Supreme.." BLOG
By the way, part of his high to low behaviour, he uses a person with an Indian accent I could hardly decipher the phone number being left. He may think that I cannot complain about that because it would divert seeing the discriminating behaviour to me. That is what psychotics like him enjoy doing. They love to circumvent reality. But it is not hard to see having problem with intentionally choosing that person for a bad purpose, as being like, for example, disliking how somebody may talk to you with a tilted mouth to muck you despite you not having any problem with seeing the same thing on somebody who is partly paralyzed.

Sunday, July 3, 2016


The thing that is agitating to me is how he was able to deceptively turn what should have been against him upside down to something for him. 
Now, I worry that as much as I have right for all the complaining and screaming I am doing about his invasion to my privacy that could one day also imply arrogance on my part before really putting the responsibility on him. 


Actually, remember how when I suddenly decided to go his way and went back to check all the messages from all the phone calls he was supposedly making trying to settle the case and found none stating anything about that (POST 241 OF "The Supreme.." BLOG)? He was away from making a direct offer to the level of not being ready to invite for a talk about settling the case there.


Despite not correctly taking responsibility, he still could have made his claim of really trying to settle things relatively much stronger had he, even once and for a fraction of what he pretended , made an offer to me. I guess he might have overestimated his power of creating a world for his claims there isolated from the facts here.

Saturday, July 2, 2016


continuing from POST 21
Actually, I did not have a clear plan of my own for the next argument in my case if the petition gets granted but then he provided the work of his evil plan and I thought why not build on his own choice. 
Also, many could be very surprised if they know how little and how late until I knew about my adversary and his size. In fact, I kept thinking if a guy like this can do all this what could the really big guys do and it is highly probable that I can find multiple posts and writings I made suggesting such impression about his size. 
He most probably noticed that and could have taken advantage of it if he really wanted to settle the case. Instead what he chose to do is to show off his power and how high he can go taking people and entities on his side.    

Friday, July 1, 2016


Related to post +18, it turned out that the court in Florida was less "classy" at the initial stage than I remembered it. Looking into my records I found how I called the court for the summonses after waiting two weeks without receiving them. I found how the reason was claimed to be that I did not send a self addressed stamped envelop. In addition the same girl who answered my phone call told me that I could have printed the summonses and served them directly.

However the one in New York is still the big winner in the thuggery contest. In addition to the summons game, they fought against entering my filings, especially entering them as I filed them to be, and even, as in the case with my first affidavit filing, acted as if the filing did not reach them.The complaint itself was not entered until I started complaining publicly about not entering it two weeks after the filing. Still that was not enough to make the subsequent filings get entered without more complaining publicly about the issue.The giving of false legal advice also improved from a girl answering the phone to a lawyer volunteering a response to what I filed to be a motion. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


continuing from post +2
My aim here was simply to reflect the guy's game back onto him.


continuing from post +14
Of course me being treated externally like an object fits him positioning himself like God is not something that is hard to fit with his behaviour of watching me beyond any boundary and the world he creates around me with his wide scale conspiracy games.

Monday, June 27, 2016


I don't want to dwell too long on that case yet but having the judge herself, in the earlier order, points out the, unsolicited, legal advice given to me instead of ruling on my motion to replace the deficient summonses sounds like a scene from a comedy movie. 


Apparently, despite everything it did, the district court of Florida was relatively the classy one. With the one in New York it is like I am dealing with thugs. I had to go after or push everything at the technical level from the very start of sending the complaint as if trying to make a thief honestly abide itself by the duty of its work to send and receive things.     
With the summonses, even if I want to ignore all other objections, it doesn't even make sense to serve a summon not addressed to any body. But apparently for this case his majesty the corruption guy decided to stop things form the court itself at this level.
By the way, I don't know if this is also part of the corruption but they did not even photocopy the complaint correctly. Apparently, having signed all the copies I sent them instead of just one messed up this court with the dedicated special unit all pro se litigants have to go through.  


I then sent back an affidavit about the new summonses in support of the motion I had filed earlier for replacement of the first summonses they sent.
To my surprise, unlike the motion and the affidavit that followed it regarding the first summonses (which I had to send twice because,for some reason the reception of the first identical one did not count), this one was entered as affidavit not a letter. I guess the federal district court defriended me.  

Sunday, June 26, 2016


I did not mention this but on April 11 the district court in New York issued an order requiring me to serve the defendants in my Viking Systems case by May 9, 2016. A little later I received a notice about a certified package containing the summonses. This time I video recorded the opening of the envelope and showed how the new summonses are exactly the same as the old ones. I actually recorded that from three different angles simultaneously.

Friday, June 17, 2016


Clearly, to some level, I decided to work through this thing of being treated externally like an object. However, I still worry sometimes that it could have been applied to the level that when I say I am not much affected by the passing of time I am not doing at least a neutral thing to those inside the court if they want to end the case in terms not favorable to this guy but a bad thing. 

Sunday, June 12, 2016


This guy may think it can pass without being noticed, but it is not hard seeing how the situation fits him positioning himself as God with things being external to me and his actions should not be foreseeable by me because of being obligations he has to do.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Contrary to how it may suggest otherwise, the more I explain and convey what I see the more I am completing my execution for returning back what I returned to the judges of the court, not cancel or run away from that.   
In addition, even if it is believed that I shouldn't need to explain or write anything I don't mind doing it and I am not holding anyone in the court morally responsible for that.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


And what a unity it was. The guy was not even required to refrain from his dirt low demeaningly dehumanizing ways and taking the dignity of the other person as a joke like that. Instead he gets submitting servers who were acting as if they were inviting  me to join them in worshiping him as a God.   

Saturday, June 4, 2016


And if you think it takes some special level of being shameless to continue standing with this guy despite the level of clarity in my offer  to him about what could follow, for many their warnings about this guy and his behaviour go back to 2010. It goes back to all what I wrote about him in the Viking Systems Stock's situation, even before he got into this stock and what followed with the courts
Anyway, with or without that, it would have been an entirely different thing had my offer to him been a private one and those in his support knew about it only after it passed. But it was a public one and those with him knew about it in real time. So as much as that level of unconditional support reflects oneness as much as a person may wonder about the sufficiency of the offer for such unity. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016


The more I remember his behaviour in response to the price jump which led to that Viking Systems stock situation the more I remember how much I wouldn't have guessed that he was not in trouble because of it in a million years. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


 continuing from the preceding post
There I felt a struggle in order to look beyond what was on the forefront and see the reason behind the behaviour of this corruption guy as a control issue instead of being simply materially motivated like any other material motivation. I kept stating that he could have "tolerated" what happened there for what I much later came to find out was less than a dimple to him financially. Seeing what he had done there, who would have thought corruption had reached the level  of making the system that much unaccounted for to this guy's wants and desires? 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Aside from all other things, it is good that I saw how this guy reacted to the jump of the stock price in the story of Viking Systems also as if it was the end of the world to him. One day this guy may regret pretending or acting as if being affected like this when he really needs people to believe him and nobody does.  

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Passing of time? What passing of time? Only the calendar is telling me that we are in May and not still in January. Also, not even a quarter of my financial preparation is exhausted. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


I want to strongly emphasize that my writing here is very far from being the effect of passing of time. Instead, I am trying to avoid regretting not saying things I wanted to say after the situation gets resolved whenever that could be.

Monday, May 23, 2016


He probably figured out that I am continuing in my direction anyway so intentionally even pushed for adding a signal suggesting success to claim that as the reason for not behaving otherwise later. At least that was a better alternative to what he has been doing from the beginning through the courts to cause the opposite to me in that it didn't require me to change course (Interestingly, he seems to have followed a similar path in trying to get actions from me that passively fit after failing to make them actively fit the purpose of trying to suggest on me the moral principle compromise to please the judges thing I talked about in another blog). As if from the first time the lower courts started their outrageous actions and throughout my journey their, I had a success signal from anyone or even just someone telling this law layman that he is on the correct path.   


And before that I may, of course, again need to be made knowing the effect of my complaining for me to try to take advantage of it instead of depending on my view on how bad things are.

 Although seeking a path because of its success may not be a bad thing, it was not comfortable for me to see my revolutionary status challenging attitude be brought into question this easily. 

However I also do not abandon success just because a psychotic person keeps seeking do-over to reality in which he had failed.       

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Remembering what happened here, yesterday I thought how if I sue for the invasion of my privacy this guy could also turn the bad things he had done against me as suggesting an arrogant position. The more bad he does the bigger the opportunity to make that claim. Flipping things like this may not even occur to a normal person.

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Although it is always fun to watch in a movie a bad guy having his own evil creation and planing turned back on him, I don't think it would have been easy for even the imagination of a fiction writer to stretch enough to come up with the level this corruption guy had in choosing and developing what he is facing here.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


I don't know how many times I have to repeat this, but let me give it another try. If I feel bad about being insulted by someone then repeating that insult or worse on the whole planet other than that same person would not reduce that feeling by an atom. On the other hand, if I can see that it is that person who is trying to balance things out by causing those insults on the other people while he stays high and away then that may feel like the old feeling got magnified exponentially.