continuing from the preceding post
Is there a valid reason for that or is it that this guy continues to pull these things like nothing happened while we are still in this? Did he even expect that to really affect me or was it to him, as usual, like playing something with no value?
That brings to mind how the behaviour of this guy could involve lying through actions instead of words. Much of what he tries to play on me could suggest to an external observer things about me that are exactly contrary to what this guy himself knows but acts otherwise. For example, even from just the considerable amount of time I have been with him in the market, he knows how much I am not the type who is likely to just jump ship with any turbulence. He knows how much even with the relatively lower level of moral issue involved, I stick to my position there. Yet he play games here as if he has the exact opposite experience about me.
He could be simply counting on time to change positions of others and have to pretend that there is a sufficient probability of success for his efforts to have a valid excuse for taking as much time as he can. Like I said before one should never count on what a guy like this pretends to be his target. Although, I still would be surprised to know seeking that aim is not itself empowered by the reality fighting of a psychotic denial underneath.
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