Saturday, September 27, 2014

These are the summons they sent - 4

So, lets make a short review of what we have here from  this court until now.
First it does its work here through the Pro Se Intake Unite and
like I stated here, starting with the reasoning behind the creation of this unite as an entity that is not limited to internal contacts inside the court, there doesn't seem to be a valid worthy benefit for it except for corrupted purposes.
Second, in that same post,and this one here, I pointed out how the information in the court's website do not only mislead into thinking that even first pleading should be submitted to this unite but directly state this unconstitutional requirement. That shows how the court was already on unclean path in using this unite.
Then, looking at its actions from the start, we see that , as I mentioned here , I filed the complaint on 8/9/2014 but  it was not entered in the system until 8/25/2014. I also mentioned in that post how "even the number of pages mentioned for the complaint was wrong and it was scanned incorrectly with the end half of it scanned twice" (if this is the level of quality in the work of that unite then that not only give even less reason for the creation of it  for a valid purpose but also strengthens even more creating it  for a corrupt purpose by using this sever lack of quality work as an excuse. Or that level of lacking quality in its work  is related to dishonest intentions and that would lead us to that same result)
In addition despite all that time, a judge was not assigned to the case until 9/2/2014 (Link).
Then came those invalid summons despite taking until 9/17/2014 to issue them.

Is there even a reasonable doubt remaining about the intention of that court and the purpose of what it is doing here?

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