Monday, July 25, 2016


He was far from needing to do what he did with the first court to begin with. As I said previously, it is not like we were contesting the ownership of Microsoft or even anywhere close to the same galaxy where such thing exists. The court could have given me the whole company I was suing about diluting my ownership in it  and it would still have been far from causing a serious financial damage to him. And before or after that he could have easily offered what could be easily seen as more than the equivalent to the whole value of it based on its assets and potential. Even assuming the situation was worse than that to him, is it still worthy of pulling the things he made the courts do from the start? Why cover a bad thing with a worse one? But it was all showing off and enjoyment of power to him. He wanted to show that he can take the court system and be in control inside there like he is in control with the SEC and others outside.

Saturday, July 23, 2016


If all what he really needed from the final court was to open a door for negotiation why not ask the court first to mediate ? That is especially true if he really thought that what was holding me from negotiating with him was my faith in how much the court was on my side. Because in that case what would he lose in showing me that my case had some consideration inside the court? But instead of this gradual approach he preferred having the effect on me of showing me a sudden total refusal to my case and how he can take this one like the preceding courts. 
By the way, given all the unnecessary showing of power he did with those courts, his interest in showing the same thing with the final one is probably far away from being mistakenly overestimated.    


He insisted on his communication medium trying to make of the difference on that technical issue something that ultimately disperses the main issue while he manipulates all sides at the same time. He apparently wanted to keep me trapped in that situation. I think that probably what made him underestimates how that could be reversed back onto him was how much he counted on losing power and control to be taken as losing dignity.
There is not a single email or letter he sent me about negotiating the matter throughout the years it remained. Talk about being happy to find an impediment. But now, after reflecting his actions back onto him, that reversed to a good potential because his choices against me were turned to choices for me and empowering me. Although, to be fair, based on the voice mails I checked from his phone calls he might not have left a real message talking about serious negotiation for the lawsuit either. He might have treated these mediums differently only on the surface. Also, and I mentioned this last year, there are times where I think he comes back to delete his voice mails before I got to them (I don't know if he does that directly to my mail box or if the phone company does it to my mail box for him).

Friday, July 22, 2016


Regarding his insistence on his choices, notice how even after I started complaining about how he insisted on his communication medium, explaining things after the denial of my petition, he could have, for once, sent me, for example an email about the same thing he pretended he was calling for. He could have said: This guy thinks I am trying to force my communication way? I am going to send an email to him in order not to let such a thing stands in the way of resolving the matter. But he never did that.    


continuing from post +34
From the beginning of the mater in the market to here, he drove things step by step to this point. 
Moreover one can hardly imagine somebody sitting in a position displayed in front of it more information about the internal thoughts of his adversary. Although having no privacy or boundary against him online could be a big help in that, I am referring here mainly to how after the denial of my petition I wrote, in addition to my arguments, my understanding to what happened and what I am doing about it also publicly.         

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Still the appeal notice has not been entered.  At least with the court in Florida I did not have to suffer with every filing I send to have it entered and there were no pro se unit there. I don't remember any filing there entered later than the day after receiving it. But here they made a pro se unit they have been using it to impede things and as a device to do bad things while isolating the clerk from direct responsibility. Other than that, it has done nothing of benefit to me. They even couldn't photocopy the complaint correctly, assuming that was not intended, because I signed more than one copy and despite how long it stayed with them. Filing the appeal notice in time was the main reason I kept checking the docket sheet of the court of thugs.       

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


My notice of appeal was delivered yesterday before 1 pm to the thugs operated court in New York  and up to this time it has not been entered.

Sunday, July 10, 2016


Although even then it is generally not justifiable, you would think that such a desire to do-over reality would more probably come from someone complaining of a coincidental bad luck, not from someone who insisted on his choices one after the other. Actually, throughout the whole path he was himself the main creator of the games and options to begin with.


Aside from how I left the time issue to the judges of the court, the guy should not delude himself that I am waiting for him and he is in control. Instead, I am simply enjoying watching him following his own choices, again, to make a joke of himself even though he may pretend otherwise.  

Saturday, July 9, 2016


And remember that there is a big difference in taking a risk on the judges by themselves from when they are accessible to this guy and whatever allegations and theories he formulates about me. He can see whatever I write about him but I cant see what he communicates about me there. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


All this joke allegation game from this guy about the death of Justice Scalia as if without something he said my behaviour would have changed to a mentionable amount, let alone to a level that would make me give a pass to the behaviour of this guy, is simply just refusal by the guy to accept that somebody really took a risk or bet against him and succeeded. He just did not like it so that it should be repeated again and again until the result changes to a one he likes.
By the way, despite that what he is doing is like child play in its effect on me and that I don't feel even a little bit of difficulty about my continued being under the possibility of receiving different result here, a person shouldn't need to keep taking a risk in order to prove that he took it once. One doesn't need to sleep in the lion's cage to prove that he once jumped there.


Like I said earlier, any sense of urgency my concentration of writings here may reflect is a sense of urgency from my desire to say what I want to say and not from any desire to make the judges of the court hasten resolving the matter.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


I mistakenly wrote in post +25 that I checked all the messages from all the phone calls he made. I meant all the voice mails he left after the denial of my petition. The fact is that I checked all voice mails on my land line number, which is the only phone number included in my court filings any way, but, for my cell phone I checked all the way back to when I changed my number about two weeks after denying my petition. 


On June 27 my case in New York was dismissed. I have got the remaining of the thirty days to file and make the court of thugs acknowledge receiving the notice of appeal. Of course my complaint was entered only after I started complaining publicly and about two weeks late from filing. The same thing with my motion which was finally entered (as a letter) on the sixth after being filed on the first of October 2014. But this one was filed and entered the same day. What is more interesting is that since this guy continuously watch what I do over the internet, he was capable to time the order to be just after I checked the docket on June 27 between 2 and 3 pm. I check on docket sheets periodically or every now and then and this is not the first time this corruption guy does what shows him timing court orders to leave me as little time as possible. I think I may have posted about this including with the timing of the ruling of the Eleventh Court of Appeals.      

Monday, July 4, 2016


Even after declaring publicly the change of plan I described in POST 241 OF "The Supreme.." BLOG he still did not take the initiative to make an offer. If you think there are no points on him for that because he had made a commitment inside then he should have been very careful about what was going to follow and especially given how my referring in the same post to the similarity with the VKNG stock story where he made himself ready to take market price shows what suggests that I have a theory about him doing a similar thing here.
Anyway, he also did not seriously leave any message for talk about the issue. The only one he left was of the kind I described in POST 244 OF "The Supreme.." BLOG
By the way, part of his high to low behaviour, he uses a person with an Indian accent I could hardly decipher the phone number being left. He may think that I cannot complain about that because it would divert seeing the discriminating behaviour to me. That is what psychotics like him enjoy doing. They love to circumvent reality. But it is not hard to see having problem with intentionally choosing that person for a bad purpose, as being like, for example, disliking how somebody may talk to you with a tilted mouth to muck you despite you not having any problem with seeing the same thing on somebody who is partly paralyzed.

Sunday, July 3, 2016


The thing that is agitating to me is how he was able to deceptively turn what should have been against him upside down to something for him. 
Now, I worry that as much as I have right for all the complaining and screaming I am doing about his invasion to my privacy that could one day also imply arrogance on my part before really putting the responsibility on him. 


Actually, remember how when I suddenly decided to go his way and went back to check all the messages from all the phone calls he was supposedly making trying to settle the case and found none stating anything about that (POST 241 OF "The Supreme.." BLOG)? He was away from making a direct offer to the level of not being ready to invite for a talk about settling the case there.


Despite not correctly taking responsibility, he still could have made his claim of really trying to settle things relatively much stronger had he, even once and for a fraction of what he pretended , made an offer to me. I guess he might have overestimated his power of creating a world for his claims there isolated from the facts here.

Saturday, July 2, 2016


continuing from POST 21
Actually, I did not have a clear plan of my own for the next argument in my case if the petition gets granted but then he provided the work of his evil plan and I thought why not build on his own choice. 
Also, many could be very surprised if they know how little and how late until I knew about my adversary and his size. In fact, I kept thinking if a guy like this can do all this what could the really big guys do and it is highly probable that I can find multiple posts and writings I made suggesting such impression about his size. 
He most probably noticed that and could have taken advantage of it if he really wanted to settle the case. Instead what he chose to do is to show off his power and how high he can go taking people and entities on his side.    

Friday, July 1, 2016


Related to post +18, it turned out that the court in Florida was less "classy" at the initial stage than I remembered it. Looking into my records I found how I called the court for the summonses after waiting two weeks without receiving them. I found how the reason was claimed to be that I did not send a self addressed stamped envelop. In addition the same girl who answered my phone call told me that I could have printed the summonses and served them directly.

However the one in New York is still the big winner in the thuggery contest. In addition to the summons game, they fought against entering my filings, especially entering them as I filed them to be, and even, as in the case with my first affidavit filing, acted as if the filing did not reach them.The complaint itself was not entered until I started complaining publicly about not entering it two weeks after the filing. Still that was not enough to make the subsequent filings get entered without more complaining publicly about the issue.The giving of false legal advice also improved from a girl answering the phone to a lawyer volunteering a response to what I filed to be a motion.